What are floaters?

Floaters are small, moving spots that appear in your field of vision. They are usually caused by small pieces of protein or other matter that float in the vitreous humor, the clear, gel-like substance that fills the inside of the eye. Floaters are usually harmless, but they can be annoying and can interfere with your vision.

Floaters are most commonly seen when looking at a plain, light-colored background, such as a clear blue sky or a blank wall. They may appear as dots, lines, or strands, and they may move or change shape as you move your eye or change your focus.

Floaters are a common occurrence and are more likely to occur as you get older. In most cases, floaters are not a cause for concern and do not require treatment. However, if you experience a sudden increase in floaters or if you notice flashes of light in your vision, it is important to contact your healthcare provider. These symptoms may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a retinal detachment, and prompt medical attention is necessary.

A dilated examination with a retina specialist can rule out a retinal tear, a retinal detachment, or a retinal bleed.

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